2005 - New solution for petrol stations: H200

Launch of mains-powered telemetry unit (H200) for Shell retail stations in…

2004 - First sales for LPG tanks

Contract with Vitogaz Switzerland (previously Shell Gas) for LPG tank…

New High-Tech Strategies Aim to Make Supply-Chain Management Smoother

(English only) M2M can also cement a closer customer relationship. Royal…

Sensile Technologies gets the CTI label

(French only) Downloads Bundesamt.pdf

2002 - 1,500 systems sold to Shell Switzerland

1,500 H100-3 systems sold to Shell Switzerland to monitor heating oil tanks in…

2001 - First installation of battery-powered oil tank solution (H100-3)

Contracts with PetroCharmettes and Oel Hauser (ex-subsidiaries of Shell…

2000 - Concept for remote monitoring of oil tank levels

Sensile Technologies developed a solution for remote monitoring of heating oil…

1999 - Founding of Sensile Technologies SA

Sensile Technologies founded by Dr. Sigfrid Strässler and Professor Peter Ryser…

32nd 2019 World LPG Forum & 2019 European Congress

Comme chaque année depuis plus de dix ans, Sensile Technologies sera présent…