Corporate charter

By adopting this Policy, Sensile Technologies SA commits to uphold the values and principles of sustainable development and a responsible society, in a spirit of trust and shared respect. Our sphere of influence extends to the following three areas.


The financial health of our company contributes to economic prosperity and wealth creation.

Our company follows the principles of honesty and transparency in accounting and the provision of financial information. It safeguards the assets of the company by avoiding any personal ownership and aims to prevent any conflict of interest and breaches of confidentiality.

We rigorously adhere to laws and regulations, including compliance with the rules of free competition and the rejection of corruption in all its forms.


Human well-being and respect for all our stakeholders are among our priorities. Sensile Technologies demonstrates honesty, solidarity, equity, and transparency towards our customers, shareholders, business partners, and society at large.

Through our belief in and respect for our origins, our products are manufactured in Switzerland. They have been designed to strict standards and offer high quality and reliability.

Ensuring the personal development of each individual, we provide all our employees with a healthy and safe workplace, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and equal treatment.


A healthy, functioning natural environment is an essential basis for the harmonious and continued development of our society.

With management that is concerned with environmental issues, we work to reduce our ecological footprint by complying with the Sensile Technologies Environmental Policy.

Environmental policy

By adopting this Policy, Sensile Technologies SA commits to act in accordance with the provisions contained therein and implement the outlined actions.

These are our 19 commitments:


With the exception of certain circumstances, we will always use the stairs to the office instead of the elevator.


Personal computers and other non-essential electrical equipment are either turned off or put in sleep mode outside working hours.


Green energy is used exclusively for our offices.


Benefiting from bright offices, we prefer natural lighting to electric lighting. Our offices are lit only when necessary.


During the winter, our offices are heated moderately. During the summer, we avoid the use of air conditioning as much as possible, keeping our offices cool by opening windows in the morning and keeping the blinds closed.


During hotel stays, we routinely keep our towels for the duration of stay, thus avoiding unnecessary washing.


When purchasing equipment, preference is given to items with the highest energy rating. If they are no longer in use but still functional, we prefer to give them away rather than throw them away. If they are available in the region, we prefer to buy second-hand equipment.


We prefer to travel by public transport as well as by bicycle or on foot, both to come to work and for business trips.


If travelling by public transport is not possible for business trips, we encourage the use of the car-sharing service offered by Mobility.


We always compensate the CO2 emitted by business flights and Mobility car use.


We have the opportunity to work at home, limiting the emissions resulting from commuting.


We benefit from flexible working hours, enabling us to avoid rush hour and adapt to public transport schedules.


Whenever possible, we avoid travelling to meetings, especially when these can be replaced by tele-/video-conferencing.


We sort used electronic equipment into three categories: cables, electronic components, and batteries. Where necessary, an additional sorting of electronic components is carried out before taking this waste to the sorting centre.


We have a wastepaper basket for each person, allowing organic waste to be separated from paper/cardboard. PET, glass, aluminium, and steel are also separated for recycling.


As far as possible, we avoid printing documents. When printing, we use FSC-certified paper and prefer double-sided and multi-page printing.


We prefer electronic correspondence. Our invoices are sent by email, as are our payslips. We encourage our suppliers to do the same.


We do not use disposable cups, plates, or cutlery.


We investigate a local solution for recycling our appliances for our customers and partners in order to recover precious metals and other recyclable materials. In this way, we avoid polluting or harmful components ending up in the ecosystem and the over-exploitation of such materials.